Resistance To Change

Change is something that is definitely going to stay. Change can be overwhelming, frightening and disruptive. Any change is acknowledged as “threatful” even when it might be beneficial to the individual or the organization. The reaction to any change is perceived as either good or bad and how is the change going to be beneficial for us. Change in the workplace may also result in stress, anxiety or uncertainty. We as humans don’t dwell much in uncertainty. It tends to hamper our cognitive and emotional levels which affect our performance ability. This is why we resist change.

Being Resourceful

Change is about being flexible. Being flexible helps us to increase our chances of being able to cope with the end result of the change. Even though change can be pretty overwhelming, with the right attitude and required skills, the organization can find an opportunity to learn and embrace the change in a positive way. Keep talking to others to know what is required and see the change as a learning opportunity to build a new set of skills.

Change in the organizational structure may also be an opportunity to shake things up individually and as a team too. Focus on finding solutions, not on creating new problems. By taking up the initiative to know more about change, you can focus on what can or might be done rather than getting fixated on events over which you have no control. You and your team can come up with creative solutions to tackle the problem together rather than worry about it alone.

Change, whether you initially like it or not, can be that spark that changes your life for the better. But it ultimately depends on your skills and development on how you react to change. Getting adapted to a completely new environment takes time, but having the right skill set, makes your time more valuable in accepting that change. Having enough knowledge about the new change and finding solutions to keep working on it, is beneficial for both the organization and yourself.

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