How Managers Or Team Members Can Help Their Employees Reduce Stress At Work

In today’s hectic world, workplaces too often seem like an emotional roller coaster.

With long hours, super tight deadlines, and ever-increasing demand with little or no appreciation of efforts, employees have been feeling overwhelmed and drained.

As a manager, supervisor, and/or an employer you can help lower your employees’ workplace stress. The first step in reducing workplace stress would be to act as a positive role model. If you know how to remain calm even in a stressful situation, it is an easier way for your employees to follow suit.

How can managers or team members help their employees in reducing stress?

Following are some ways in which managers or team members can help in reducing their employees’ stress levels:

  1. Consult Your Employees One-To-One

Being there for your employees by listening to them face-to-face will help the managers better understand their team members’ stress areas. Consulting employees one to one and listening attentively makes an employee feel heard and understood.

  1. Deal With Workplace Conflicts Constructively

Every workplace has conflicts but dealing with those arguments in constructive manner rules out negativity within the workforce. Respect the dignity of each employee.

  1. Clarify Your Expectations

Clearly defining your employees’ roles, responsibilities and goals help the manager and their employee understands their expectation level and reduces their stress about the uncertain expectation level.

  1. Offer Rewards & Incentives

Praising work accomplishments verbally to the employees and the organization as a whole boost the employees’ morale and productivity towards the organization. Provide opportunities for social interaction among employees.

  1. Train Your Employees In Understanding Workplace Stress

Providing training in the field of understanding stress symptoms and causes can be really helpful for the employees to understand their trigger points well. They may become better at understanding what strategies work well for them and which don’t.


Organizations need to understand that their staff is only human and that they have a life outside of work too. It is therefore important for an employer to take certain steps to help tackle theirs and their workforce’s stress levels at the earliest.

Approaching the organization wellness team (EAP) helps create an understanding of the levels of stress teams go through. Managers should ensure they can provide appropriate information on where their employees can seek help for mental health problems if and when they occur.

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