Dealing With Sexual Harassment At Workplace

Workplace Sexual Harassment is an event that can occur slowly over time or quickly in an instant. It includes not only physical sexual assault but also verbal and non-verbal behaviours such as demeaning comments, requests for sexual favours, unwanted sexual advances and inappropriate gestures and text messages.

Workplace Sexual Harassment is not a new phenomenon. It is a way to take advantage of the powerless. Either submit and be exploited, or resist and be punished. Being tied to power structures, sexual harassment highlights an issue where women continue to feel less valued and respected in the workplace. This is more prevalent in traditionally masculine fields, like the military, the police, finance, and more recently, high tech and the entertainment industry.

The effects of workplace sexual harassment are profound. It negatively impacts job satisfaction and motivation which in turn decrease productivity levels. It also lowers self-esteem and confidence, leading to feelings of worthlessness, guilt and self-doubt.

Many women feel powerless, ashamed, afraid to lose their job or even guilty. However, it is important to realize that this is not their fault! It is nothing to be ashamed of and it is up to all of us to prevent it!

Following are 4 steps that can help if stuck in such a situation:

  1. Confrontation: Confront the harasser and give them a warning, if it doesn’t stop turn to step 2.
  2. Proof: Document everything from emails, recordings, text messages, etc. Gather as much incriminating evidence to substantiate the claim.
  3. Write Down Details: Note every little detail about the incident to not miss out on any important information.
  4. Inform The Authorities: Confide in someone trustworthy. Due to public shame, many women carry the burden privately however they need to trust the process and the laws against such behavior.

Some more ways to help:

  • Ensure that this experience is not a “workplace culture” against women.
  • Get legal protection.
  • Check the employer’s sexual harassment liability insurance.
  • Negotiate against Gag Orders. Legally binding gag orders continue to destroy the credibility of women who are diligently working to stand up to their accusers.

Women need to speak up about their experience as it will benefit them and others in standing up against sexual harassment.

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