Adjusting Our Expectations – 1

Let’s say you’re driving at night on a highway at 70 km/ h an hour.

Suddenly it starts raining heavily.

What do you do now?

Do you continue at the same speed or slow down?

In this scenario, slowing down seems to be the better option. This is not because you are weak or a bad driver, but because it is the sensible thing to do. However, when it starts raining heavily on us, we often react differently.

In tough situations, expecting ourselves to carry on at the same speed is unrealistic. As a working professional, these situations might be navigating changes (such as shifting houses), interpersonal conflict or even a global pandemic. In these situations, one needs to adjust one’s expectations by recognizing that the journey is long. It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. And this is why, as long as you’re moving, a slower pace is okay.

When times get tough, ask yourself:

  • What do I need right now?

Make sure your basic needs are met. Sleeping, eating, being around people you love and general well-being. Put effort into these areas.

  • What do I expect of myself?

What standards do you hold yourself up to?

Are those standards realistic at this time?

  • How can I adjust my expectations?

How can you change your standards to fit with what’s going on right now?

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